
How much does it cost to register a business in Itana?
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It costs a total of $1,000 to set up a business in the Itana Zone. Here’s a breakdown of the cost

  • $500 = registration fee (goes to the government, NEPZA), and
  • $500 = annual operating license fee (can be paid monthly).

Kindly note that the annual operating fee may be subject to change from the second year.

Apart from the business registration fee, are there other fees?
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No, however, there may be some fees associated with additional business services - usually from our third-party partners - including the processing of visas, opening a bank account, etc.

How much does it cost to join the Itana Digital Residency community?
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The Itana community is a carefully curated community of ambitious founders, and startup operators on the African continent. There’s an annual subscription of $100 to maintain your membership in the community.